Thursday, February 27, 2020

Drug Trafficking in the UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Drug Trafficking in the UAE - Essay Example The United Arab Emirates is one of the world’s fastest growing economies as well as tourist destinations. Recently, the attraction of this region to international drug syndicates has heightened awareness by UAE authorities in addressing this danger. This brief paper shall highlight the drug trafficking problem that threatens the federation, and the measures that have been adopted within the past decade to ensure the region’s security. Concepts that will be discussed involve: drug trafficking, which includes the sales, distribution, possession with intent to distribute or sell, manufacturing, and smuggling of controlled substances (; drug abuse, which involves taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect; drug possession, or the crime of having one or more illegal drugs in one’s possession, either for personal use, distribution, sale or otherwise; and narcotics, which are d rugs that produce numbness or stupor, and are often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use can lead to addiction. Developments in the drug trafficking problem The UAE has been lauded by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the UN organization that monitors anti-drug activities worldwide, for the efforts made by the federation to fight drug abuse and trafficking. Evidence of these have been documented by news articles in the media, some of the more recent and more remarkable of which are presented here: 1.The Emirati Navy, Coast Guards, and other maritime coalition forces operating in the Gulf cooperated through information exchange and maritime coalition, in the seizure of nearly 30 tonnes of hashish at sea in just four months.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Review of Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Review of Literature - Essay Example Research elements were not used in this article. The article concludes that if done in the right way, physical activity, and physical fitness can assist in the reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and thus, improve the health of the United States. The information in the article is very important since it will assist nurses offer the best care possible such as the recommended time for doing exercise. Lauer, M. S. (2012). And what about exercise? Fitness and risk of death in â€Å"low risk† adults. Journal of the American Heart Association, 1, 1-3. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.112.003228 The article speaks of the controversy about the possible risks of being harmed by exercise. Many researchers have attempted to indicate that exercise can harm individuals. However, the author of the article is quick to note that these guidelines are founded on weak evidence. On the other hand, some researchers have shown that exercise below the recommended time had significant impact on the physic al fitness of an individual. Research elements were not used in this article. The article concludes that exercise is important in the reduction of cardiac-related events, and there is need to find better ways of improving public health. The information is important to the nurses in that it will assist them in making the right choice about the care to be given to a patient suffering from cardiac-related complications. The best decision will assist in rapid recovery of the patient. Galan, A. I., Palacios, E., Ruiz, F., Diez, A., Arji, M., Almar, M., Moreno, C., Calvo, J. I., Munoz, M. E., Delgado, M. A., & Jimenez, R. (2006). Exercise, oxidative stress and risk of cardiovascular disease in the elderly: Protective role of antioxidant functional foods. Bio Factors, 27, 167-183. The authors of the article state that exercise is a crucial component in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Exercise is an important element in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases; however, in elder ly people, it can enhance oxidative stress. Oxidative stress and vigorous exercise can cause oxidative injury and antioxidant depletion. It is important that balance between beneficial and harmful effects of physical activity to be achieved, particularly, in elderly people. The design of the study was a long-term intervention study, and was conducted as a controlled and randomized investigation based on the practice of nutritional antioxidant treatment and regular exercise. A group of 320 aged individuals was chosen (86 men and 234 women aged between 58 and 86 years old). The results of the research showed that moderate and regular exercise enhances cardiorespiratory function and decreases cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals. This information is important since it will help nurses in caring elderly individuals suffering from the condition and those not suffering from the condition. Li, J., & Siergrist, J. (2012). Physical activity and risk of cardiovascular disease  œ A meta-analysis of perspective cohort studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9, 391-407. doi: 10.3390/ijerph9020391 The article did a comprehensive analysis of the association between physical activity and cardiovascular disease. From the analysis, it was evident that leisure time and occupational physical activity