Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on A Comparison of Oedipus and Beowulf - 693 Words

The characters Oedipus and Beowulf represent two different types of heroes. Oedipus is a tragic hero and characterized by its standards. He was an influential man of stature who had a tragic flaw. While he contributed to his own downfall, Oedipus was not entirely responsible for it. He also learned a lesson from his mistakes which ultimately creates a catharsis in the reading audience. Beowulf, on the other hand, is characterized by the standards of an epic hero. He strives for excellence and individual glory by doing heroic deeds. He has an admirable set of ethics, is great warrior, and is very loyal to his master. Beowulf is also rewarded for his deeds with fame and fortune. Although both of these men are heroes, the†¦show more content†¦Despite the awful acts committed by Oedipus, he learned a very important lesson. He discovered that fate cannot be changed. This was proven to Oedipus when he finally learned what he had done through Tiresias. Oedipus, by trying so hard to succeed in his obligation to free Thebes from the curse, caused his own undoing (Fergusson 388). This moment of realization for Oedipus causes a catharsis of emotion among the audience. They feel pity for Oedipus, who unknowingly and unwittingly committed these deeds. Beowulf is, however, a completely different type of hero. Beowulf is surrounded by fame, glamour, and fortune. He is an uncommonly great warrior and has performed many heroic feats. By the end of his life, Beowulf has beaten Brecca in a swimming race, killed Grendel, killed Grendels mother, and exchanged fatal blows with a dragon. Beowulf is an ideal epic hero. He knows to perfection the proper etiquette and he has comitatus towards his leaders and elders. As to the issue of loyalty, Anderson says that he depicts the loyalty of warrior to chieftain; of freeman, earl, and churl to their king - a whole-souled devotion to which Anglo-Saxon was ready to dedicate his life (99). Beowulf, for the most part, follows the heroic code. The only portion he violates is the call for humane treatment of a fallen foe. He deviates from this part of the code when he beheads Grendel after his mother in order to achieve revenge for the loss of oneShow MoreRelatedAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 Pagesthey are not always (see below). Figurative Language Figurative language involves a comparison between two things--a literal term, or the thing being compared, and a figurative term, or the thing to which the literal term is being compared. As Perrine states, figurative language is a way of describing an ordinary thing in an un-ordinary way. Simile A simile is an explicit, or clear and direct, comparison between two things that are basically unalike using dead-giveaway words such as likeRead MoreClassification of Literature3483 Words   |  14 PagesNarrative Lyric Drama Short Story Novel Tale Fable Myth Legends Folktales Essay Biography Autobiography Diary History Chronicle News Anecdote Tragedy Comedy Opera Operetta Ballad Epic Metrical Tale Metrical Romance Ode Sonnet Song Elegy POINT OF COMPARISON | PROSE | POETRY | Form | Paragraph | Verse | Language | Words and rhythms of ordinary and everyday language | Metrical, rhythmical, figurative language | Appeal | Intellect | Emotions | Aim | Convince, Inform, Instruct | Stirs the readers imagination

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